Kim Jong-Un Vs. The skeleton that pops out in literally all Trollpastas

This Trollpasta is made by [ ChannelTheGiJoeShow.]

Chapter 1

There was a North-Korean dictator by the name of Kim Jong-Un. He was talented at everything he tried. (Because he'd threaten nuclear war if he wasn't ) One hyper-realistic morning, Kim Jong-Un was drawing. They were great drawings.
"I am North Korea's best artist!" He screamed, holding up two pictures, one he drew himself, depicting America exploding. It looked like a Kindergarten drew it, then again he had the mindset of one.
Sorry, he is the most mature, sophisticated person you will ever know. Anyways, the other picture was a picture he downloaded from Deviantart. It was beautiful.
"My slaves!" Kim Jong-Un screeched to his people. "How did you like my drawings?"
"They were bad!" One of them said.
Kim Jong-Un got upset, so upset he threw a tantrum. "WAAAAAH!" He screeched. "Guards, blow him up with a rocket launcher!"
His guards did just that, and everyone in the audience ran away screaming. This was a great day already. Nothing could ruin his day so far.

Chapter 2

Kim Jong-Un entered his house, the only one in North Korea that wasn't on the verge of collapse. He entered his room and then-
Kim-Jong Un cried. "I need to be rocked!" He screeched.
A bunch of people entered the room, a carjack in hand. They set it under Kim Jong-Un, raised him up picked him up and rocked. Whatever that was, Kim Jong-Un was spooked!

Chapter 3

After he was soothed, Kim Jong-Un was reminded about the fact that their lesser counterparts South Korea were hosting the Winter Games. He then barely scribbled a list of names to compete in the Summer Games next year. A few minutes later another one of his slaves, I mean citizens announced it.
"Our amazing leader Kim-Jong Un will ensure that we will win." He said. "For if he doesn't, he will threaten nuclear war. He has decided that he will act off his ego and will be representing North Korea in every olympic sport. He will show us some of his swimming talent right now!"
Everyone clapped. Kim Jong-Un was on a diving board. He jumped off of it and hit the bottom of the pool, causing an earthquake. Everyone started screaming.
Kim Jong-Un splashed in the water, screeching for help. Kim Jong-Un couldn't swim-
Kim Jong-Un could swim, he just was too busy thinking about nuking the USA to do that. Regardless, Kim Jong-Un was going to drown!
When all of the sudden.
It lifted that aircraft carrier-I mean North Korean dictator out of the water.
After a few moments, Kim Jong-Un started bawling. "That skeleton ruined my act!" He screeched. "I will kill him next time I see him!

The battle you have been waiting for.

Kim Jong-Un was on standby for the skeleton. He had his nuclear army out, along with his entire naval and aerial fleets, though a paper boat and a torn kite weren't going to help very much. When all of the sudden-
Kim Jong-Un looked at the bony boy. "YOU SCARED ME, AND THEN INTERRUPTED MY SWIMMING!" He yelled. "I WILL NUKE YOU!"
The skeleton whistled. Nothing happened, when all of the sudden-
The climbed on the original skeleton and formed together to make the Ultimate Skeleton!
They slammed their hand into the North Korean millitary, damaging them. They responded with nukes. The battle was intense!
Evil Patrixxx came along for no reason, pulled out a lawn chair, got some popcorn and watched the chaos. The end result was Ajit Pai preventing Net Neutrality which caused this universe to end because how expensive Trollpasta Wiki became. Evil Patrixxx survived though. The end.
And then a ghost popped out.